Adaptive Uses
Ortho Pedalâ„¢ Can Help Many Conditions Adapt and Overcome the Ability to Ride A Bicycle Again
ACL Reconstruction
Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction surgery is one of the most common knee surgeries performed by Orthopedic Surgeons today, often caused by sports injuries. Approximately 50% of ACL injuries involve other knee soft tissue injuries including meniscus, cartilage or other ligaments. Replacement tissue can come from the patient's hamstring, patellar or quadricep tendons (autograft) or from tendons from a cadaver donor (allograft).
Also known as 'stiff knee syndrome' is said to be one of the most difficult orthopedic conditions to treat. It is an abnormality triggered by injury or trauma to the joint and is most common in the knee joint. In layman terms it is 'excessive scar tissue that forms in the joint leading to limited range of motion' despite rehabilitation efforts. Early recognition and proper treatment is critical for a best outcome. The Arthrofibrosis foundation is a great resource in helping understand this often frustrating condition.
Below the Knee Amputation
Modern Prosthesis devices give users many options today, including riding a bicycle with a prosthesis leg. Cycling is a low impact form of exercise and can help you regain strength along with providing a great cardio workout. Ask your Prosthetist to help adjust your alignment and give you safe riding tips. Less required range of motion can make riding more comfortable and the Ortho Pedal can help. Adaptive Sports organizations are a great resource for information and sporting opportunities with many local chapters.
Cerebral Palsy
Adaptive bikes, including trikes and recumbents, can allow children and adults the freedom of riding a bicycle. If leg range of motion is limited, the Ortho Pedal can help!
Graston Technique
Graston Technique is a form of instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization or (ASTM) that some trained physical therapists and chiropractors utilize to treat scar tissue. This is achieved with special tools that break down the scar tissue by causing 'micro trauma'.
One in 5,000 births inherit this condition and it most often occurs in males. The blood does not clot properly due to a lack of blood clotting proteins. Blood can build up in the knee causing swelling and pain and lead to loss of range of motion in the knee.
Knee Injury
According to Ortho Info, there were 10.4 million visits to doctors offices in 2010 for knee injuries. Common knee injuries include: fractures, dislocations, sprains and ligament tears. Nonsurgical treatments include immobilization, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen and physical therapy are often prescribed before exploring surgical options.
Knee Surgery
There are many types of knee surgery performed and one of the most common is meniscus cartilage repair or removal. This is usually performed arthroscopically as a minimum invasion technique. Meniscectomy is the official medical name. Other common knee surgeries are ACL repair or replacement and knee replacement.
Knee Replacement
Total Knee Replacement (TKR) or partial knee replacement have become some of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed with over 600,000 performed in the U.S. during 2016 alone, and various sources project over 3 million will be performed per year by 2030. Knee Arthritis is the root cause for many of these surgeries. Studies show that approximately 90% of people experience pain relief from knee replacement surgery but there are potential complications to be aware of from risk of infection to sometimes longer knee rehabilitation and challenges with regaining knee range of motion. Surgeons typically encourage patients to work to regain their range of motion early on in the knee rehabilitation process. Physical Therapy often includes the use of a stationary bike and the Ortho Pedal can help patients gradually increase their knee range of motion during the knee replacement recovery process.
Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD)
Unequal leg lengths, leg length inequality or leg length discrepancy. There are many names for it and many causes from scoliosis to trauma surgeries and others. It can be treated as simply as a heel lift but can be much more challenging as well. Riding a bike can be difficult if it is severe enough but the Ortho Pedal can usually solve this problem very easily by providing a smaller pedal stroke of pedal circumference.
Limited Range of Motion (ROM)
Limited knee (or hip) range of motion has multiple causes and many are listed here. If you have limited knee range of motion and you want to ride a bike, you on at the right place. Actually, it was this very condition that lead to the Ortho Pedal product!
Low-Load Prolonged Stretch
Physical Therapists will sometimes prescribe a Low Load Prolonged Stretch Device when a patient is having difficulty regaining range of motion after surgery or injury. Studies have shown LLPS Devices to be very effective in regaining critical range of motion by slowly stretching the soft tissues of the effected joint over time. The devices are basically 'spring loaded braces' that allow the patient or doctor to slowly increase. One manufacturer that has been around for many years is Dynasplint
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)
Orthopedic surgeons will sometimes recommend this procedure after total knee replacement surgery if the patient has not regained 90 degrees range of motion by 6-8 weeks post surgery. The idea is to allow the surgeon to bend the joint for the patient while they are under anesthesia and break up scar tissue. This must be decided and performed before the scar tissue has developed too far along. There are risks involved that your doctor can discuss with you.
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Osteoarthritis is the 'wear and tear' arthritis and the most common type of arthritis with over 3 million new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. The total number of cases in the US is estimated at between 30 and 52 million people. OA is caused by past joint injuries, misalignment, heredity factors, over use of joints as well as stress on the joints from being overweight. Medical imaging can confirm or rule out arthritis. Treatments vary from low impact exercise to anti-inflammatory medications to injections and replacement surgeries. If knee range of motion pain is keeping you off your bike The Ortho Pedal may be the answer for you.
Parkinson's Disease
Doctors have began to recognize the benefits of cycling for Parkinsons Disease patients. In particular, high cadence riding has shown to have the most benefit. The Ortho Pedal allows you to ride at a higher cadence by bringing the pedals closer to the center of the pedal stroke. The smaller pedal strokes can also benefit Parkinsons patients with limited range of motion.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a much less common form of arthritis effective approximately 2 million Americans with most being women. RA is an autoimmune disease and causes pain and inflammation in the effected joints. Onset is usually in middle age.
Rotationplasty is a surgery that removes a portion of a limb is removed, rotated and reattached. It is often performed utilizing the ankle joint as the knee joint, usually after removing cancer of the knee or sometimes after severe knee trauma. The ankle now functions as the knee and a lower limb prosthesis is attached to the foot. Since the ankle does not have the same range of motion as the knee would, a bike modification is required to ride bike again and the Ortho Pedal can assist in accomplishing this goal.